He’s the oldest character in the group, married with many nieces and nephews.

Grujung hiZnáyu is my warrior and Aithfo’s uncle.The whole robes and staff thing is him compensating for his skinny bookish self. The reality is that he’s actually becoming the dignified and powerful priest he pretends to be. Keléno hiNokór is a priest of Sarku who is actually very bookish and nerdy and tries to stay at the back in conflicts as he is the party’s main scholar.As a spellcaster, she’s mostly support – detecting evil, creating light and healing wounds. She’s often our social interface with the world, although she does get a bit sharp when annoyed. Ssúri hiNokór is a priestess and temple dancer of Durritlamesh.His fiancee couldn’t come with us for this campaign, on account of her being dead and embalmed and kept in a closet in his apartment at our clanhouse.