General: Added computer keyboard control for plugin parameters General: Microsoft Windows Redstone 4 compatibility General: Fixed parallel use of host sessions (e.g. General: Improving keyboard control, fixing issues with catched keys preventing it from passing through to DAW General: Fixed missing presets in Wavelab and other VST3 DAWs
#Como usar wavelab 6 pro
General: Fixed rendering in Pro Tools on the start of a session General: Fixed potential CPU spikes and audio dropouts General: Fixed potential crashes in Cubase and other VST2 / VST3 DAWs

General: adding Windows High DPI support for VST2/3 plugins
#Como usar wavelab 6 update
General: Windows October 2018 update compatibility General: VST3: Improved synchronization between parameter states and some UI functions, e.g. General: VST3: Fixed issue with VST3 preset permissions General: VST3: Fixed issue with adapting to host knob mode, and now prioritizing linear General: AU: Fixed issue with increased CPU and memory on reopening UI General: Fixed activation issue in Windows hosts set to non-English language (e.g.

General: macOS 10.14.5 Update compatibility General: Removed 32-bit support on macOS and Windows General: Improved license functionality and branding for subscription General: Improved instantiation times for plugins General: Fixed opening authorization dialog triggering automation General: Fixed preset name restore in Logic when reopening a session General: Fixed plugin validation in Logic under macOS Catalina
#Como usar wavelab 6 windows 10
General: Qualified for use with Windows 10 November 2019 Update General: Qualified for use with macOS 10.15 Catalina General: Fixed audio processing initialization issues on amp and delay products General: Fixed UI resizing issues in Ableton Live on Windows General: Fixed logical issues in undo / redo behavior General: VST3: Fixed potential hangs in a DAW upon loading General: Qualified for use with the Windows Update Fixed product installer to contain mono plugin as well Fixed no sound and meters stopping in Live Fixed possible crash especially on Windows in VST3 format General: Improved license dialog visibility in dark mode General: Fixed automation highlighting disappearing in Studio One General: Fixed possible artefacts when freezing or bouncing tracks in Pro Tools General: Compatibility with Logic on Apple Silicon devices via the Rosetta-2 layer